Wednesday 5 March 2014


So I started a store!

I use Society6 as at the moment money is short and I can't afford to make things on my own. Most items list at the moment are aimed towards queers, thats everyone. After more designing I shall upload most specific stuff for FTM, MTF, gendernetural, feminist etc.

Until then have a look, let me know what you think, any custom orders all you need to do is email me

Society6 doesn't offer much in return of payment, I'm mostly doing this for fun, but any money I can get for the blog would be amazing.


Products include...

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Transgender VS transexual

It was pointed out to me that I may have been wrong in thinking what was meant by transgender or transexual. So here is a further breakdown of the differences between each word. First with transgender followed by transexual. I hope this helps to clear things up for people, I know it did for me and I always appreciate help from my fans.


Where shall I start...

A list, lists are good

Here you can see some examples of common pronouns used to describe a person. I say to you to remember them, look carefully, think about them and the world we live in, not everyone identifies in societies very limited male or female category.
I think a note I would like you all to take from this is of you to ask people, upon meeting someone new or maybe even someone you've know a while, they may be finding it hard to tell you, ask them what their preferred pronoun is. Asking someone straight away saves for any embarrassment later when the person (with courage I add) has to tell you its wrong. Also don't note their choice in a negative manner either, this only makes things upsetting and hard for someone to cope with themselves. Remember everyone is different and unique and we all have a choice of how we live our lives.

Imagine this to be no different that if you were to marry and decide to take the maiden name of your partner. you have been brought together and bound by love and share that with the world, that is who you want to be now and that is who you want to be know as. Asking a person to accept this is no different that a person expressing their chosen pronoun, to them this is a bound of love between that person. The love for themselves, they know who they are and they want to love their life and be known as such.

This is not just to say that everyone who  identifies as "male" or "female" has to do all the work, no. If you would like people to use a different identification towards you it might be helpful if you let them know, usually straight away is best. You may think its hard but there are many ways in which to tell someone that could save you worrying about any problem arising. 
It is always good to prepare yourself for questions, I feels this is extremely good if you are helpful in your advice and explanation. Educate the world to who you are for them to understand you better. Hearing it from the right source it to produce better educated people and it is key if you are to feel comfortable as yourself.

For those who do not and insist of referring to you as something other than what you have expressed I would suggest to do the same, people will soon see how this effects you. They will come to hear your "mistakes" and will probably pick you up on it, this will also make them feel uncomfortable and sad, show them how it feels. For them not to accept your choice and consistently call you by something else is disrespectful.

Not accepting someones choice or way of life is crushing everyone into a box, a cage, like sheep making everyone the same, for all to live a like.

We are not a like one another we are different

Then they came for me

First they came for the gays and lesbians, and I did not speak out -- because I was not gay nor was I a lesbian.

Then they came for the transgender and transexuals, and I did not speak out because I was not transgender or a transexual.

Then they came for the queers, I still did not speak out because I was not queer.

Then they came for everyone else -- and there was no one left to speak for me.......

Queer until death pack

Queer Until Death pack up on the website

2 stickers and 1 25mm pin £2.50

All hand drawn, custom orders on wording email me

Monday 17 February 2014

Store Launch!!

So I started a store!

I use Society6 as at the moment money is short and I can't afford to make things on my own. Most items list at the moment are aimed towards queers, thats everyone. After more designing I shall upload most specific stuff for FTM, MTF, gendernetural, feminist etc.

Until then have a look, let me know what you think, any custom orders all you need to do is email me

Society6 doesn't offer much in return of payment, I'm mostly doing this for fun, but any money I can get for the blog would be amazing.


Products include...

Thursday 13 February 2014

Boycott Sochi sponsors

I wrote a post about boycotting anti-LGBTQ countries and it came to my attention that there are not just countries we should be aware of but also brands. America may be a state that legalised gay marriage and equal rights but what about the brands that live within that country... Coke maybe?

Coke are a supporter of Sochi when we all know that Russia is denying rights to it citizens because of their sexual orientation. Sochi is a political event no matter how much Putin questions whether it is the right place or not to discuss LGBT rights, it is a place where people should make a stand. For those who are watching the Olympics they may see the terror that Russia brings on its people and the support the world has for the LGBT community. Brands such as Coke are using this event to build awareness, well they should choose wisely when wanting your brand name spread around the world. If and I'm not sure how many, anyone part of the LGBT community is watching Sochi, I know I'm not, They will see these brands as builders of the Russia community and hatred. Anyone who is against us will also see these brands and could then consider to purchase them further in the future. I then say to you (brand supports of Sochi) who are your customers now! will you start doing anti-lgbtq advertising campaigns as your audience slowly turns to LGBT hating, bashing, killing humans.... At least you have your market segments!

Check out this video it explain in 2 minutes about the brands sponsoring Sochi Olympics

You can pledge against Coke through this link via Facebook

For more information on all the brand sponsors of Sochi here is a link to the official Olympic website
